Who we are:

Extensive experience in the packaging industry and continual technological research has aided  M.F. Macchine Automatiche’s (automated machinery) activities in the planning and manufacture of batching controllers for all types of product packaging, such as: granular, powered, liquid, creams, single pieces, etc. in single dose 4-side heat-sealed packets and stick-packs as well as a packaging line for any industrial sector such as food, chemical, cosmetic, etc.

Reliability and safety of M.F. machinery and the guarantee of after sales service, are important prerogatives upon which we base our business. A business able to offer our clientele innovative products that stand apart in time.

The advanced technology of M.F. machinery, in particular in the engines run by brushless motors with touch-screen interface, is a constant point of appreciation from our end-users as they are simple to use and of high quality, permitting repair of synchronisation and functional aspects during operation, thus ensuring continuous high performance.


MF Packaging S.r.l.  - Via Pirano, 10/A - 61010 Tavullia (PU) ITALY - Tel. +39 0721.476688 - Fax +39 0721.476482 - Cod. Fisc. 02689740401 - P. Iva 02042340410